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Iniciar el cliente de Vsphere en Windows 7

Si al intentar instalar el cliente de vsphere en windows 7 nos da un error “Error parsing the server “<server name” “clients.xml” file.”

seguido de “The type initializer for ‘VirtualInfrastructure.Utils.HttpWebRequestProxy’ threw an exception.”

La solución se encuentra aquí

Problemas con Windows 7 y conexión de las VM mediante NAT

Artículo original de

  1. Ejecutar Virtual Network Editor como Administrador (Usar RunAS o click derecho y ejecutar sobre vmnetcfg.exe)
  2. Ir al Host Virtual Adapters y eliminar todas las intancias VMNet (normalmente VMNet1 y VMNet8 ).
  3. Click sobre Aplicar.
  4. Añadir un nuevo adaptador y asignarlo a VMnet1.
  5. Aplicar.
  6. Select the Host Virtual Networking tab.
  7. Click the > next to VMnet1 and change the address and subnet to the ICS network ( /
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Go to the NAT tab and select VMNet1.
  10. Click Edit and change the Gateway to the ICS gateway IP (
  11. Click Apply and restart the NAT service. (Counter-intuitive, I know.)
  12. Go to the DHCP tab.
  13. Add VMNet1 and remove all others.
  14. Click Apply.
  15. Select Properties of VMNet1 in DHCP Tab.
  16. Enter a Start and End Address for DHCP Scope ( to as an example)
  17. Adjust client lease to a few days to avoid potential DHCP client renewal timeouts.
  18. Click OK / Click Apply.
  19. Select Host Only Networking for every VM that needs NAT out to your host network/internet.

20. Enable ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) on the Windows 7 Host network card that provides connectivity. Select VMNet1 as the - ork card that needs access